I am so bad at thinking about gifts. This is a list of guidelines of potential gifts I guess. The main unspoken entry to this list in my mind is for anything that I (or my house) obviously need for everyday life. If you have hung around at my house, perhaps the abscence of some stuff has become obvious.
No "Little Knicknacky Toys" I will have to find a place to put and feel guilty
about wanting to throw them away. I find all those gifts nice, but I frequently
don't use them and don't know what to do with them.
Ok, I know some things just scream out my name in the minds of some of
my friends. If you really can't help yourself, I will probably like it a lot.
A Floating Ball Fountain (Tasteful or Interesting Colors Only, Please)
Any Frank Zappa (that I don't have).
- Boingo Rare Songs
Any J.S. Bach - Just Check my CD Collection (I have Art of the Fugue and A Musical Offering))
Automatic Telephone Recorder #DLPR
I have given up the prohibition on most books, they are really a good and easy gift. Any of the Following Books are still Fine:
Flirting for Success - written by a local (Twin Cities), I actually bumped into her in a FedEx in Minnetonka and she gave me a copy of this. I promptly lost it, apparently, but just from meeting her that one time, I can tell I would like her book, and that it would be a good idea to support this effort. And yes, she really does have great Eyes, but that is not the reason I want to read this book, really!
- Penn and Teller's Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends / Book and Trick Packet (Out of Print, I guess)
- Paul M. Churchland, Matter and Consciousness;
- Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene;
- David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom (2nd Ed.); Free to Choose By Milton and Rose Friedman
- Hans Moravec, Mind Children;
- Julian Simon, The Ultimate Resource;
- Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising:
- Marc Stiegler, The Gentle Seduction;
- Nagata, Linda - Vast;
- Bart Kosko - Nanotime;
- Why is Sex Fun? - Jared M. Diamond;
- The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity - Roy Porter
- Any PJ O'Rourke (I may have read it, but I want to own it):
Art Books: Any of the "Big" Surrealists, Magrite (Thanks John and Rochelle!) and Dali especially. M.C. Escher
A Manicure/Pedicure and some good advice on future care
Non-white socks (Thanks Richard and Aimee - Keep 'em coming!)
This is now an academic entry to the list. I have a new grinder which works just great, but I will leave in this link just to show people the extent to which coffee madness can go. Sort of the top end of the spectrum tolerated by the free market in gettin' wired! (Legally, that is.)
Rancilio "Rocky" Coffee Grinder. This is, apparently, the grinder. It is the commercial machinery for the home, it is a conical burr-type grinder so it transmits no heat to the beans whatsoever, cool!
One other thing you could do for me, and yourself:
I promise, you will be happy you did.
(And please feel free to read their site and take their tour before acting. Be an informed consumer of ideas!)